At WILL Trial Lawyers our lawyers have decades of experience handling a breadth of class action lawsuits and mass tort claims, relating to nursing home negligence, product liability, environmental claims, and property claims.
What Is the Difference Between Class Actions And Mass Torts?
Class actions are lawsuits in which a single representative plaintiff files on behalf of a group of individuals with similar claims. This legal mechanism is particularly well-suited for cases where many people have suffered similar harm due to a common issue, such as product liability, consumer fraud, or employment disputes. In class actions, the claims of the class members are typically consolidated into a single case, allowing for efficiency and cost-effectiveness in handling cases with a common legal issue. The court’s decision in a class action lawsuit typically applies uniformly to all members of the class, providing a consistent resolution.
Mass torts, on the other hand, involve numerous plaintiffs, each with separate claims against one or more defendants. These claims typically arise from a shared set of circumstances, such as a defective product, pharmaceutical drug, or environmental hazard, which causes harm to a large number of individuals. In mass torts, each plaintiff’s case is individually evaluated, and the outcomes can vary, as opposed to the more uniform resolution often seen in class actions. Our experienced team is well-equipped to guide you through the nuances of each process, helping you determine the most suitable approach for your specific legal needs, ensuring you receive the tailored representation you deserve.
Our Latest Class Actions
Most recently, our focus has turned to nursing home negligence as the COVID-19 pandemic has swept through Ontario’s long-term care facilities. The vast majority of COVID-19 deaths in Ontario have occurred in nursing homes, leading to questions about their preparedness and to the residents of Camilla Care Community.